IMEI LookUp Service – Checking For Lost or Else Stolen Phones:

GSMA proffers a look up service, GSMA Device Checkered, whereby operator supported business stakeholders could check a mobile phone or else device against the GSMA’s registry of lost plus stolen devices founded on its IMEI. There are severe eligibility standards for access to this info and applicants must reveal that they are mobile insurers, device recycler, authorized dealer, repair centers, law enforcement organizations, regulatory bodies or else national interest groups as well as an operator sponsorship should be obtained.

About Lost or else Stolen Phone Blocking/Blacklisting

In a rising number of countries operators permit customers to report a mobile phone or else device as lost or else stolen using the device’s exclusive identity number, the IMEI. This is recognized as IMEI black listing in addition to leads to the phone being blocked on the mobile net. The black listed IMEIs are delivered to the GSMA central IMEI Database permitting operators to interchange data and to block devices on manifold networks nationally plus internationally.

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The network operator is usually the first institute a customer contacts if their device is stolen so they could block their SIM card and stop unauthorized charges being applied to their account.

Lost or else Stolen Mobile Phone Recycling stop

The IMEI checker could be used to detect stolen/blocked goods while recycling devices or else selling second hand devices. It could also be used as a source of data in evaluating if devices might be counterfeit while esteeming devices for recycling.

Mobile Phone Insurance Fraud Prevention

The ESN Checker Service proffers info which could help insurers in recognizing false claims. Claims made for devices which have not been reported as lost or else stolen may be worth added investigation.

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The GSMA maintains an exclusive system recognized as the Global Mobile Equipment Identity Database (IMEI DB), which is a worldwide central database containing simple info on the serial number (IMEI) varieties of lots of mobile devices (e.g. mobile phone, laptop data card, etc.) that are in use across the domain’s mobile networks.

The GSMA assigns official IMEI number varieties to all manufacturer of 3GPP compliant devices and records these varieties and device model info in the IMEI DB. The info recorded comprises the manufacturer name as well as the model identifier of the related handset and several of its technical abilities. Network operators check IMEI number to decide what kinds of devices are being used on their networks, as well as what features the devices support, thus they can offer the up-to-date services to their clienteles.

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Mobile phone customers whose devices have been stolen must note that GSMA does not insert device IMEIs to the IMEI DB blacklist or else otherwise help with incidents of device theft. Device theft must be reported to the subscriber’s service provider in addition to to the police.

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