Know The Pet Adoption Process and Save The World

You can save the world by saving the pets through the adoption process. More than 6 million animals throughout the world are put to death every year. A little effort from your side can save and find new homes for them.

Help to Save Pets: You can find an overabundance of animals in the rural areas and limited space for them to stay. Sometimes, when there is no hope of new homes or owners, they are simply put to death. Volunteers can rescue the animals and send them to the adoption companies. Then the breeds are properly identified with a proper health check up of the animals.

Requirements to Adopt: For adopting a pet, you must follow the requirements:

  • For adopting a cat, you must be 21 years or more and for adopting a dog, you must be 23 years or older.

  • While signing the adoption agreement, all the adults of the family must be present.

  • If you stay in townhouse, apartment or condo, you must provide lease agreement or association laws.

  • All the present cats or dogs of your house must be neutered or spayed.

  • Provide documents that prove that all your present dogs and cats are immunized recently. If you do not possess the documents, provide the phone number of your veterinarian so that the adoption company can call to obtain the information from him.

Adoption Donations: When you are not adopting the animals from national or government organization, you may have to provide the donations. The private rescue companies can charge $60 to $400 for adult dogs and for puppies the donation can range from $160 to $600. The donation amount taken is used to provide care and treatment to the pets. The costs may include vaccinations, neuter surgery and other medical care.

Treatment Included with Adoption: When you adopt a pet, some medical treatments are included, such as:

  • Leukemia Test

  • Fecal Test

  • Capstar flea treatment

  • Heartworm test

  • 1st Deworming

  • Microchip identification implant

  • Neuter or Spay Surgery

  • Vaccines that prevent Rabies, Canine Influenza, Bordatella, Calici, Distemper, Rhinotracheitis

Besides all these, if boosters are required after the adoption, it is the entire responsibility of the pet owners.

Care after Adoption: When you have decided to provide shelter for the homeless animals, you must know the process of proper care after the adoption. You must register your pet into a health assurance program in your nearby veterinary clinic. The program will cover the treating cost of shelter related illness. If you do not purchase any medical coverage, you will be entirely responsible in the medical treatment just after you adopt.

When you have decided to adopt a pet, you can provide the application by filling up a simple questionnaire. The questionnaire may ask you about the purpose of your adoption and the process of taking care of your pets after the adoption. If you have provided all the information correctly and the questionnaire gets approved by an authorized volunteer of the society, you can take your new friend home immediately.

Author Bio: Derek Lawson is a well known veterinarian. In this article, he is talking about the adoption process to save the pets of the world. PrimpPlay is one of the rescuing societies which can help you to adopt pets.

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