Eczema And Good Diet: Does It Work?

Trying to figure out how to treat eczema can be a frustrating path that will likely lead to multiple efforts and attempts to stop irritation and itching. There are a variety of methods, topicals and treatments for the condition, but there is no complete and permanent cure available for the condition. As a result, many medical professionals focus on both medical treatment as well as diet to help bolster the immune system to respond.

Food and Kids

In reality, however, the research is mixed on exactly how effective diet may be on reversing the effects of eczema. Part of the problem has to do with the fact that the condition may actually be triggered by some foods instead of prevented.

There are plenty of cases with young patients who have seen their eczema manifest or grow due to food allergies. Yet this trigger seems to fade after age 4, according to WebMD. As a result, working with a doctor is probably best method of being sure what foods won’t trigger allergies and more issues versus help.

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Food and Adults

When it comes to adult patients, food allergies have not been established as any kind of a major problem triggering more outbreaks. A proper diet has been known for a long time to generally help overall health and one’s immune system, so it natural to think it can help improve an overall body’s response toward eczema as well.

Some patients may find anecdotally or through repeat experiment that they realize a flare-up after eating certain foods. While no firm links have been proven, the likely response from a doctor would be to then stop eating that particular food. The problem is, however, doctors really don’t have a good idea what actually creates the flare-up reaction in the body.

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It can very well be that the food is not the issue at all but instead is really stress that is occurring and the eating of a particular food is a stress-relief. The coincidence of stress, eating the food, and a flare-up are more a matter of timing, so the patient thinks the food causes the problem. Again, research has not found a direct trigger link of any particular food with worse conditions.

Types of Food Suggested

Probiotics from yogurt and similar food have been suggest as an aide. These alternatives have developed from studies outside of the U.S. and have not yet been fully confirmed here. As a result, many doctors will be leery to automatically agree. Specifically, the standard response will be that more research is needed to confirm whether probiotics actually provide any health benefit toward eczema.

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Alternatively, different types of tea and fish are suggested as well. Tea has been found in some case studies to provide a relief effect for the body in general, and fish food products are also generally known to help increase the body’s ability to deal with inflammation via omega-3 fatty acids.Yet these are all general health impacts and not specific to the skin condition.

In Summary

A good diet can help general health, and most doctors agree on that point. Again, while there is no direct link of impact, good eating along with medicated topicals and treatments can probably help reduce irritation and flare-ups temporarily.

+Dr.Lee  Eberting blogs regularly about skin problems, treatment and after care at
