Information On Programs For Free and Reduced Braces

Although braces are often important in the health and longevity of a person’s teeth, they are also quite costly. Not everyone can afford to spend thousands of dollars on having metal wires and brackets installed in their mouths. Unfortunately, many people who can’t afford braces just choose not to get them for themselves or their children. The good news is there are options out there for those who may not be able to afford braces. Take a look at the different ways people can get braces for less.

Promotions and Contests

Depending on the orthodontists in your area, once in a while offices will have a promotion or contest where a person can receive free or discounted braces. Obviously, winning the contests requires a bit of luck, but it’s worth a shot! Some contests may require you to write a short essay on why you or your child should get the free braces, so that could be a chance for you to shine and display your need.

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Information On Programs For Free and Reduced Braces

Multi-family Discounts

If you have put braces on another family member, but can’t afford to spend the same amount again, your orthodontist may have a deal for you. Many offices have a multi-family package or discount that allows you to put braces on more than one person in your family at a discounted price. The amount of the discount will vary based on locations and promotions, but you could save a rather large chunk of money by inquiring.

Smiles Change Lives Organization

The Smiles Change Lives organization’s mission is to provide low-income children aged 10-18 a chance at braces. To qualify for these highly reduced braces, the child must be in the proper age range and belong to a low-income family. Parents will be required to fill out an application and send it in to the organization, along with a 30-dollar application fee. After the application is reviewed, the candidate will receive a letter acknowledging whether or not they are accepted into the program. The child will then be placed with a provider and will be required to supply a $600 up-front fee. Although this may seem like a lot to pay within 30 days, this is a hugely reduced amount from the actual cost of braces and is what keeps the program up and running. After this fee, the child’s family will not have to pay for anything else regarding his or her orthodontic treatment. The process can sometimes take over a year to go through, but it is worth it for the children in the end.

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These are just a few of the ways you can get free or reduced braces. For more options, visit your local orthodontist to discover the discounts they may have to offer. They may also have more information on programs in your area that provide assistance to those who cannot afford braces for themselves or their children. It is apparent that you don’t necessarily need to have money to have beautiful teeth. Start inquiring today!

Written by Dr. Darren Wittenberger, the best orthodontist Columbia MO has to offer, and owner of his own practice, Advance Orthodontics. Dr. Wittenberger enjoys sharing his expertise to ensure people can maintain the healthiest, straightest teeth possible!
