Tips For Buying Led Landscape Lights For Your Home

The first LEDs or Light Emitting Diodes were created in Russia back in the 1920s but the first truly visible light from any LED was not until 1962. However, it took technology another forty odd years to develop a truly workable white LED which made it possible for much wider usage beyond just basic displays. Today, people choose LED landscape lights because they use a lot less energy than regular lighting, they produce very little heat in comparison to regular lights, are eco friendly and last very long. This is one reason why almost all the solar lights available today use LEDs.  That said unless you are an experienced landscape artist you shouldn’t buy the first lights that look good to you, but rather your decision on what types of lights to buy should be based on a number of factors.

Determine what LED lights you really want

To start off with you need to decide exactly what types of LED landscape lights you really need. Do you want solar powered lights or should they be powered by conventional 12 volts? The thing you need to consider is that solar lights are obviously free to operate but if you live in one of those parts of the world where you do not receive much sunlight on average all year round then you’re better off buying 12 volt lights. Lights that are powered via your home’s power source are a lot more reliable. There are also newer landscape lights that can be considered hybrids which means that they are powered both by solar power and regular 12 volts but happen to be a lot more expensive than your average LED garden lights.

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What effects do you want to create?

Take a walk in your garden, around the walkways and to some other areas where you are planning to add lights and consider what types of lighting effects you want. In addition, flip through a landscaping magazine and take a look at what your neighbors have done. The possibilities are endless when it comes to buying lights to create effects but you only have one shot at getting the effects right unless of course you do not mind constantly reordering various types of LED landscape lights to experiment. You’ll probably find it easier to draw a rough map of your landscape and then plan every light you want to place accordingly. Putting things down like this in pen and paper can be very useful.

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Tips For Buying Led Landscape Lights For Your Home

Use LED Spotlights

White LED spotlights can be used to draw attention to flowers and trees. It can also be used to create a sharp or dull silhouette behind the object in question. Plus you can choose “up lights” which are located at the base of trees and walls as well as other objects to create a more dramatic lighting effect. While downlights are best when it comes to illuminating walkways and wide areas, it’s also good if you want to increase security around the parameter.

Decide on the Theme of the Light Fixtures

One of the keys to ending up with the right led landscape lights is to decide on the right style and theme of the fixtures so that they compliment every aspect of your landscape. Plus take into consideration the style of your home which should and does influence your choice. For instance, a Victorian era home will perhaps look better with antique style or ornate lighting, where as a Craftsman’s dwelling will look like something out of an Arts and Crafts magazine. Doing a bit of research can help a great deal in this regard.

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Using Colored LED Landscape Lights

There will be areas where you want to add different colored LED landscape lights to get different feeling to the landscape. Red for instance, can make areas look darker while green can subtly highlight certain areas of your landscape.

What types to Buy?

Leading LED landscape light supplier LED Lighting suggests that people buy two diode lights if they want a glowing effect or brighter lights. Single LED lights are best if you want something that’s dim or diffused. Get a few samples prior to deciding on what you want for each area of your garden.


Mark is one of the leading experts on landscape design. He has over the years written extensively about landscaping both commercial and domestic. His works have been featured in numerous magazines and even on television. In his view the key to an aesthetic landscape is to try and keep things to a minimum and use the right lighting. 
